Sunday, March 01, 2009

What a world!

So, I finished work, and was walking through Whistler village in the falling snow. There was a guy, in his 40's, just standing in the square looking around. So, me being me .. asked him if I could direct him anywhere, if he was lost. He replied saying 'I'm just taking it all in before we leave' ...

So here was a guy, on holiday, in Whistler, and was super sad to go, didn't want to go, just wanted to drink in the remains of his trip. It made me realise how lucky I am to be in such a place, surrounded by such beauty and raw nature .. to experience all the we do every day ...

Oh life .. dear life ..

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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Just a test!

Hey all you 5* lot. This is just a test, as I have no idea what I'm doing with this blog. Hope everyone is doing well wherever they are. The snow is here in Whistler, temperatures hovering around zero degree C. No job for me because I'm going home for a month in December, so no-one wants me until I return in January. Dave is the bread winner at the mo', and we're very happy. He's making some cracking beers. Invites to you all to come up and see us!